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In character the people of this country appear to differ but little execept in one respect from other Pathans . They possess all the vices common to other Pathan races , and are not behind them in pride , cupidity , revengefulness or treachery . In treachery they may undisputedly be given the first place among Pathans . Their virtues are the same also , and they do not compare unfavourably with other Pathans in manliness , bravery or hosputality . Their superstition is perhaps more marked than in other Pathan races .
       Among themseleves they differ but little . The Bajour people of the Tarkanri tribes are perhaps as a whole a braver and more manly race than the people of either Dir or Swat . It was the custom in recent times to disparage the valour and martial instincts of the people of Swat , but the events of 1895 and 1887 have taught us that in these respects the Swati has been curiously misjudged .
     The Utman Khel have a reputation for a keener spirit of revengefulness than the people of Bajour , Dir or Swat . Their feuds are very bitter .
    In one respect , however , judging the people of Dir and Swat as a whole , as compared with Pathan tribes elsewhere they appear to differ mantrially from their neighbours , I e,, in the spirit of discipline which they possess . To some extent this extends to the Bajour people also , but to a less degree , and to a still less , degree to the Utman Khel .  The discipline which controls the members of a village community , and the effective control which thereby the Jirgas wield in all matters of village or tribal insterest is remarkable . Their long-standing system of communal Government has doubtless inculcated this spirit , and so has the complicated system in vogue of periodically redistributing all tribal lands . Unless a very strong spirit of discipline was inborn in the people , it would be impossible to work either of these systems in the manner in which they are worked .
         Were it not for the superstitions of the people , which make it so easy for the religious classes to stir them up for mischief , the people of Dir , Swat and even Bajour would be a comparatively easy people to rule and manage .
As mentioned above under the head of religion , they are by no means individually fanatical . Cases of Ghazi-ism [religious militancy ] are practically unknown in this country , which is all the more remarkable when the numbers and the hatred towards us of the priesthood in this country are considered . the collective fanaticism of which they are capable when roused is a remarkable trait in the character of this people . It is doubtless due to their innate spirit of discipline above referred to , by which the fanaticism , which is instilled into the lesders , takes effect on the whole community , notwithstanding the absence of individual fanaticism on the part of the comonent member


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