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General information

It is proposed in this report to deal with the pathan tribe  Occupying the countries,exclusive of chitral,which are now comprised within the limits of the political agency known as dir,swat and chitral.chitral and its non-pathan tribes do not come eithin the scope of this report,but a brief reference will be made to the non-pathan tribes,I e,,the garhwi and torwal,who occupy the swat kohistan,and to the bashkaris of dir kohistan.
    The countries dealt with are dir ,swat,bajour,sam ranizai and the utman khel country.the tribes occupying these countries are the akozai yusafzai,taranri [or tarkilanri],the utman khel and the heterogeneous community known as the sam ranizai. Scattered among these are various alien races, such as gujars and others, and various religious communities to whom reference will be made later.
occupying these countries are the akozai yusafzai,taranri [or tarkilanri],the utman khel and the heterogeneous community known as the sam ranizai. Scattered among these are various alien races, such as gujars and others, and various religious communities to whom reference will be made later.
Dir Swat And Bajavar Ganral Introdaction

       It has been found impossible to deal with dir , swat and bajour each under a separate heading, because, as will be seen hereafter, these terms do not now-a-days define the recognized limits of any particular tribes, khanates or administrative divisions. Dir and swat, for instance, are both occupied by one tribe, the akozai yusafzai, whil bajour is the country of the tarkanris. In what is now termed the dir khanate are comprised not only dir, but a portion of swat, and the jandol, baraul and maidan tracts of the tarkanri country.


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